
From my very first reflexology treatment, years ago in Thailand, I was captivated.

Back then, I experienced the wonderful sense of well-being, that feeling of ‘walking on air’ and ongoing benefits from the procedure that millions of people have known and enjoyed since Ancient Egyptian times.

The fact that reflexology is still being practiced to this day, attests to the contribution it makes to health and happiness.

About Amanda

My decision to change career and study reflexology was one of the best of my life. It enabled me to train under the best teachers, to obtain internationally recognised qualifications and to become a member of the Association of Reflexologists, as a member of the AoR I am committed to ongoing training and adherence to a Code of Ethics.

Most importantly, it enabled me to offer to others the joy and relief that comes from caring and professional hand and foot reflexology.

In September 2016, I discovered Absolute Aromas, a company based in my local town, producing excellent quality products. Their products are not tested on animals, all of which fit within my ethos. I’m also an approved Neal’s Yard Consultant, Neal’s Yard was the first health and beauty company to be awarded 100/100 for ethics, in the Ethical Company Organisation’s Ethical awards. Their products are natural and organic and involve no animal testing. I am proud to supply my clients with both Absolute Aromas and Neals Yard products.

I firmly believe that, In our oh-too-hectic lives, professional reflexology offers a respite that lasts and can assist in a range of stress-related disorders.